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40 Lessons
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Creative Marketing With Canva
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Module 1
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20 Lessons
01 - Introduction to Canva
02 - Apply For the Canva Affiliate Program
03 - Plans and Pricing for Canva
04 - Open a Canva Account
05 - Download the Application
06 - Searching Canva for A Template Type
07 - Custom Size
08 - Adding Elements To Your Design
09 - Adding Your Own Content
10 - Adding Your Own Content From Facebook To A Design
11 - Create a Video With Canva
12 - Adding and Customizing Design Text
13 - Document Page Customization Elements
14 - Using the File Menu When Customizing Documents
15 - Elements of the Pro Version Interpersed
16 - Canva Applications and Integrations
17 - Output Design to Download
18 - Output Design to Presentation
19 - Output Design Direct to Social Media and More
20 - Output to Printed Merchandise
Module 2
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20 Lessons
01 - Branding Templates Pro Account
02 - Content Planner - Pro Account
03 - Resizing Documents - Pro Account
04 - Text to Image with AI In Canva
05 - Create and Edit a 3D Image
06 - Canva Docs
07 - Canva Docs - Design Element
08 - Canva Docs - Limits and Embeds
09 - Canva Docs - Import a Word Document
10 - Canva Docs Add a Chart or Checklist
11 - Create a Canva Mockup
12 - Create a Flipbook
13 - Import a PowerPoint
14 - Use Canva Tamplates to Create Videos
15 - Use Canva To Create a Website
16 - Use Canva Templates to Create Infographics
17 - Use Canva to Create A Book Cover
18 - Use Canva To Customize A MindMap
19 - Use Canva to Update Social Media Profiles
20 - Charts and Graphs with Canva
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Frank Andres
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